COVID Disparities and Their Discontents - the first of a series of webinars under the banner of  Interfaces of Global Applied Anthropology -- is being held in 4 weeks time. It's free, and there is no cap on attendance but you do need to register to get the webinar link. To register, go to

Each day until we begin, I will introduce you to a speaker or an aspect of the webinar. Let me begin today by explaining the webinar background and structure.

Viral Loads: Anthropologies of Urgency in the time of COVID-19 is to be published on 20 September -- -- and is free to download then.  We are timing this to celebrate the publication and reflect on the content. Because many authors from Viral Loads have put their hands up, we are going to have a larger number of speakers, with each individual addressing a specific question from the moderator; each person will speak for about 3-4 minutes. We will intersperse speakers with open discussion and contributions from other participants and from those of you who join the zoom.  I will explain the key themes tomorrow, and the next day, I will introduce you to the editors of the book, and to the others involved in SfAA Global who will interpret if you want to make a comment in Spanish, French or Portuguese.




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