About Me:
I'm currently working on my Bachelors @ Indiana University. When I finally get it, that diploma will be a decade in the making. ::sigh:: I must be getting old.
I am sometimes unexpected. I am a US Navy vet and former military analyst. I am shy in crowds, but I can lead one if need be. I am a long-time Pro-choice activist, a proud Dr.-Sears--quoting AP-dedicated mother and a Crisis Intervention Specialist @ the local DV shelter's Transitional Housing. I also work at the local Unitarian Universalist Church, with two of the greatest Reverend's ever (one calls himself a socialist, always carrying the fight against greedy corruption and the other is a thoughtful, empathetic lesbian:). I am quite blessed to be able to work in such an amazingly supportive, welcoming and creative environment, with so many inspiring individuals.
I'm interested in conflict & gender-based violence and how they relate to culture. I am interested in MENA and Sub-Saharan Africa, though I'm hoping I'll be able to narrow that down eventually!
Area(s) of Training
anthropology, applied anthropology, cultural anthropology
Area(s) of Expertise
Maritime Security, Gender-Based Violence, Intimate Partner Violence
Current Area of Employment
Non-Profit Organizations