About Me:
Interests include tribal historic preservation, indigenous archaeology
Area(s) of Training
anthropology, applied anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology, cultural resource management, ethnography
Area(s) of Expertise
Tribal Historic Preservation
Current Area of Employment
USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service
Great to hear things are on a steady path. Out here by the sea it is a strange climate, no sense of seasons, except the longer darkness of night, and no place is dark in a port at night- and this one is huge. Can't say I am too dug in but it is a good perch for the time being. Professor teaching five courses, consulting for my start up on the side, learning to dance tango with my Judy--trying my best to be in beauty, as they say, by giving to the community when and where I can - that idealism I have not lost. It's tone may have changed as I see more hybridity in things and have even more environmental focus in what I do locally and globally (I hate the cliche'). I feel the heat. And there is some asking of what legacy one leaves--and what is our duty to our children, our nieces and nephews and their families, all of that. So I think about that sometimes. Must be my age.
Geez, Richard, no comments in seven years, I guess this is not where it is happening, brother. And Jeanne's picture, that would be mine (above). I have gone on to Africa, and living in LA. let me know something more recent! Duncan
I'm Program Chair of the SfAA meeting in Santa Fe in March and I am hoping that you will help to organize a session or sessions that address projects and issues in NA applied anthro. In fact, I'd love to see sessions that "think outside the session". I'd like to send you a call for presentations to send out to those you know. My email is simonejm@wfu.edu Please get in touch.
Jeanne Simonelli