The purpose of this Topical Interest Group is support a network of educators, activists, researchers, evaluators, knowledge brokers, advocates and other practitioners who wish to engage in applied anthropology in educational settings.
45 Members

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  • I would like to invite senior scholars to create a discussion panel/presentation (for the upcoming conference) addressing the future of Ethnography in an AI world.

    While most seem to avoid the issue, we've decided to address it head-on. For the 2024 summer training session at the Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School, we incorporated the use of AI and a wide-range of apps to assist on research, while also noting how/where/why AI satisfies certain "frames", which can be a cautionary lesson for our discipline that I believe needs to be discussed openly within the discipline.

    If you would like to discuss joining this panel, feel free to email me
  • Hi everyone, I'm putting out a COP, and wanted to share it with some fellow anthropologists interested in education and curricula!
    Call for Papers: Medical Education in a Postcolonial Context
    Organizer: Enrique Iglesias (University of Texas-San Antonio)

    As higher-learning institutions increasingly embrace notions of diversity, inclusion and (neo)liberal multiculturalism, they often fail to include critical analyses of sociohistorical dynamics of oppression, power, and hegemony and how they shape culture and curriculum. Medical education, too, is deeply embedded in the realities of larger social and biopolitical structures of American society, which in turn shape the profoundly formative processes of physician professionalization. Medical students are subjected to standardized but somewhat varying forms of curricula, which act as discursive fields where students are socialized to learn and internalize normative behaviors, cultural norms, and practices necessary to produce a professional doctor capable of enacting medical expertise within clinical and/or academic settings (Carr 2010; Jaye 2006). Medical culture, institutions, and curricula are profoundly shaped by whiteness, hetero-masculinity, and class (Lempp 2009; Malat et al. 2018; Taylor 2003; Wyatt 2020). Students enculturate into paradigms of race essentialism, heteronormativity, hierarchy, cultural competency, professionalism, and the biomedical gaze; all of which reinforce and reproduce unequal power structures.
    This panel seeks papers that address how anthropologists might engage in efforts to decolonize medical education and curricula. How do continuing (neo)colonial logics and hierarchy in medical education reinforce Western, male, white, cisgender, heterosexual and Euro-American epistemologies? How do modern curricula and cultural norms in medical education decenter, marginalize, and minimize the embodied experiences of colonized and subjugated subjects? How can postcolonial studies contribute to genuine decolonization efforts in medical education? What is the role of medical students, faculty, social scientists, and the public in transforming medical education? What barriers exist to such efforts, and how can anthropologists, postcolonial scholars and activists help to overcome them?

    Papers could (but do not have to) address the following:
    ● Lack of critical analysis in current diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts
    ○ settler/neo-colonialism, power, hegemony, whiteness, systems of oppression
    ● Neoliberalization of medical education
    ● Omission of postcolonial studies and practices into diversity policies/practices
    ● Colonial logics in health and medical education structures
    ● Decolonization of biomedical curricula, culture and institutions
    ○ Pre-medical curricula, culture
    ● Experience of colonized subjects with/in U.S. medical education and institutions
    ● How U.S. racial-ethnic minorities interact with U.S. biomedical culture & curriculum
    ● Colonial hierarchies of knowledge and values in biomedical curricula
    ○ Totalizing and homogenizing systems
    ● Anti-Blackness and Anti-Indigeneity in medical institutions
    ○ How to use tools of marginalized, colonized, indigenous, grassroots to inform decolonial or anticolonial orientations in medical education
    ● New ways for medical educators to incorporate critical social sciences and humanities into their pedagogy

    For the Oral Presentation Session, the following is required:
    ● Paper Title
    ● Abstract (maximum 100 words, not including author or title)
    ● Name, affiliation, and contact information

    Please send abstracts to Enrique ( by October 1st. All those who submit will be notified of decisions by October 5th, and those who are selected will be expected to register for the SfAA conference and submit their abstract information by the submission deadline October 15th.

    More information found on the SfAA website:

    Works Cited
    Carr, E. Summerson. 2010. Enactments of Expertise. Annual Review of Anthropology 39(1): 17-32.
    Jaye, Chrystal, Tony Egan, and Sarah Parker. 2006. ‘Do as I say, not as I do’: Medical Education and Foucault’s Normalizing Technologies of Self. Anthropology & Medicine, 13(2): 141-155.

    Lempp, Heidi. 2009. Medical-school culture. In Handbook of the Sociology of Medical Education, eds. By Caragh Brosnan and Bryan S. Turner. New York: Routledge. 71-88.
    Malat, Mayorga-Gallo. 2018. The Effects of Whiteness on the Health of Whites in the USA. Social Science & Medicine 199:148-156.
    Taylor, S. Janelle. 2003. Confronting “Culture” in Medicine’s “Culture of No Culture”. Academic Medicine 78: 555–59.
    Wyatt, Rockich-Winston. 2020. “Changing the Narrative”: A Study on Professional Identity Formation Among Black/African American Physicians in the US. Advances in Health Sciences Education: Theory and Practice.
    Abstract Information :: Society for Applied Anthropology
  • Great acceptance - thank you !

    buttplugs homepage
  • Hi all:

    The meeting time for the AEATIG has been changed to Wed March 28 at noon. Please look for room assignment in the program. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend (last minute travel for work) but the room will be available for those wishing to network and share information. If there is a discussion, would someone please take notes and post them to this site so we can all keep up with what goes on?



    Brinnie Ramsey

    Interim Chair


  • Brian,

    There are definitely anthropologists in education and anthro-based scholars in education who use Friere quite a lot. I would begin by taking a look at articles and books by Julio Cammarota, an anthropologist who uses Friere extensively in education. He will citing some others, as well, to get you started. I would also search the journal Anthropology and Education Quarterly for related terms, because Friere, critical pedagogy, etc, are often cited.

  • What kinds of things and who have you been reading Brian? Anthro and ed covers some pretty wide territory and there are people who engage various theories. There are some approaches to education through critical race theory that remind me of Friere and Bourdieu and others certainly makes a case for a critical stance toward education as social reproduction. I'm sure folks on this list could come up with other critical approaches.

  • I am writing an article on Paulo Freire and his relationship to anthropology.  I have discovered that "Anthropology and Education" does not address Freire and critical pedagogy much.  I will write about this.  Please help me understand why. Best, Brian

  • I will not be avaiable on Saturday either. Earlier time feasible?

    Andrea Schuman

  • Hi Brinnie,

    I received this message and will not be in town as late as Saturday. I would try to come to an earlier meeting on Wed. or Thurs. I hope you are well.

    Chiara Cannella

  • Hi folks:

    Just got notified by SfAA that the AEA TIG meeting in Baltimore is assigned to the Saturday 12-1:20 timeslot. I believe that might be the very last session of the conference. Not ideal. Perhaps we can meet informally earlier. I'm not sure if this group is still active so if anyone gets this note, would you please respond even just to say that messages are getting through?



    Brinnie Ramsey

    AEATIG InterimChair

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