About Me:
My primary areas of inquiry for the past 13 years include the social context of sexuality, social inequalities, and the social/structural determinants of health disparities. I have extensive, independent research experience working with marginalized populations in the U.S. and in Mexico, including sex workers, sheltered/homeless women, and youth involved in the child welfare system - and I get really excited about how policy issues impact people's health and quality of life. My ethnographic expertise includes archival research, life history interviews, and intensive field observations; I enjoy mentoring students who want to do ethnographic field projects on gender and health issues, including work with HIV/AIDS outreach organizations in Africa. I received my doctoral degree in Anthropology from Yale University in 2003, and received post-doctoral training through an NIMH-supported Research Institute, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS (School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University). My book SEX WORK AND THE CITY: THE SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY OF HEALTH AND SAFETY IN TIJUANA MEXICO, which is based on research supported by the National Science Foundation, was released by the University of Texas Press in 2009. With the generous support of the Institute for Social Science Research CATALYST grant program, I recently completed a project based on life history interviews with former foster youth in the Phoenix Valley. This is now part of a larger ethnographic project on gender and sexuality among youth in residential care settings (e.g. group homes and residential treatment centers).
Area(s) of Training
anthropology, applied anthropology, cultural anthropology, medical anthropology
Area(s) of Expertise
gender and sexuality; hiv/aids; sex workers; youth
Current Area of Employment
Assistant Professor of Women and Gender Studies, Arizona State University
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